
'A new and different sun'
Anthea de Hollander

Foto Expositie
16 januari - 31 maart 2016

Anthea den Hollander, 23 jaar en in september 2014 afgestudeerd als fotograaf. Na stages in Afrika en bij National Geographic fotograaf Jasper Doest weet Anthea wat ze wil: op zoek gaan naar verhalen klein of groot.

Anthea zegt op haar website:

"I enjoy reading and writing but I just never got any better at it. Whenever I dreamt, or whenever I wanted to tell what I had done, the words I wrote down where never exactly what I meant. I couldn't express my feelings, my emotions, I couldn't get it out of my mouth. But I wanted to tell, I wanted to create stories, I wanted to show the world how I see and feel. I needed to express....

Picking up a camera is still the best thing I ever did. I can't imagine a day going by without photography. For it is my passion, my love. I want to travel the world, I want to show how I experience it. I want to get rich and poor at the same time. I want the smell of adventure and the peace of nature. I want to get to know new people and bond with animals. I want to create memories that are more worth then any amount of money in the world.

I want to live." 

Anthea den Hollander / www.antheadh.com

Werk van Anthea de Hollander


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Veersedijk 4
3341 LN Hendrik-Ido-Ambacht

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